Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vocabulary Words of the Unit "The Massive Movement Project Final Assessment"

The Massive Movement Project Final Assessment

Vocabulary Words & Definition 
Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Models
  • Astronomy- The study of space and other objects in the universe
  • Geocentric model- A theory that proves that the earth in the center of universe
  • Heliocentric model- A theory that proves that the sun in the center of universe
  • Ptolemy- A person who thinks earth in the center of universe 
  • Copernicus- A person who thinks sun in the center of universe
  • Revolution- Movements of the earth around the orbit

  • Rotation- The spinning of earth on its tilt (24 hour) 
  • Polaris- Polaris is a star which helps us find the north polis
  • Earth's Axis- Imaginary line in the middle of the earth 
  • Axis Tilt (how much)- The earth's axis tilted 23.5
  • Hemisphere- Half of the earth (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere)
  • Equator- An imaginary line that divided earth into two equal parts

  • Revolution Length (how long)- For the earth it is close to 365.25 days.
  • Orbit- It is curved path of an object 
  •  Ellipse- A rounded line around the sun 
  • Constellation- Group of many stars 
  • Perihelion- Perihelion (earth) round around the sun on one side (far from the sun)  
  • Aphelion- Aphelion (earth) round around the sun on the other side (close to the sun)

Standard Time Zones
  • longitude- Longitude is a line to specified east west to east position.
  • Prime Meridian- Prime meridian is a longitude that located at 0 degree.
  • International Date Line (IDL) - An imaginary line that starts from north and ends at south (east side is one day earlier than west)
  • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)- Solar time on the 0 degree meridian that pass through Greenwich England

  • Direct sunlight- When the earth is getting straight sunlight (summer)
  • Indirect sunlight- When earth is not getting straight sunlight (winter)

  • Winter Solstice- When the sunlight direct in the southern hemisphere it is less sun of the year (Dec 21/22)
  • Summer Solstice- When the sunlight direct to the northern hemisphere it is most sun of the year (June 21/22)

  • Equinoxes- When the night and days in 12 hour are equal
  • Spring Equinox (date) - March 21/22
  • Fall Equinox (date) - September 21/22  

Solar Eclipses

  • Lunar revolution- The movements of moon around the earth (27-29 days)
  • Total solar eclipse- Moon cover the whole sun
  • Partial solar eclipse- Moon cover a part of the sun
  • Umbra- When moon completely cover the sun is called umbra
  • Penumbra- When moon cover the sun only part of it
Lunar Eclipses
  • Total lunar eclipse- When moon is umbra
  • Partial lunar eclipse- When moon is penumbra  

Phases of the Moon
  • Phases of the moon- Phase of the moon is how the moon looks like in different forms
  • Waxing- Waning is decrease the part of the moon
  • Waning- Waxing is increase the part of the moon
  • New moon- When moon is almost entirely black but the part of it its white (new)
  • Gibbous moon- When moon is less than its half 
  • Quarter moon- When moon is completely half
  • Crescent moon- When moon is more than half
  • Full moon- When moon is completely white (full)

Spring Tide
  • Tides (high and low)- A giant water wave that caused by the gravity of moon & earth and rotation of earthWhen moon, sun and earth line on at one line, it will become high tide. When moon, sun and earth line at 90 degree it will have a low tide
  • Water Level & Sea Level- The level of water moves because the movements os moon around the earth
  • Gravitational force from the moon on earth- When gravity of moon caused ocean water to move
  • Spring Tides- When three of the planets (sun, moon, earth) are in one straight line so it maximize the gravity of the tide is either really high or really low

Neap Tide
  • Neap Tides- When three of the planets (sun, moon, earth) are in one straight line so it minimize the gravity of the tide is really low