Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shaking Our World Project

Critical Thinking Question 

Plate tectonics are the scientific theory that tells us about the earth layers. I agree with the theory of plate tectonics. We have so many evidences to prove that our earth’s plates are moving which are also causing natural disasters. Scientists have been using these evidences since so many years. The evidences that we could use to prove that earth’s plates are moving are convection currents, continental drift and plate boundaries. The earth layers are divide into two plates the continental plate and oceanic plate. Convection currents are the movement of plates on the earth. Convection currents are caused by the very hot liquid at the deep part of the mantle that caused the crust on the mantle to move so it caused the crust on the mantle to move as well. Convection current causes the plate to move slowly with each year. Earth's plates move three inches every year. Continental drift is also evidence; it is a hypothesis that claims that 300 million years ago all the continents were in shape of Pangaea, which broke up 250 million years ago. Plate boundaries are also one of the evidence to prove that earth's plates are moving. Divergent, Convergent and Transform boundary cause earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, mid-ocean ridges, trenches, rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges and mountains. This shows us that earth's plates are moving slowly each year.


    1.  What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
    I enjoyed learning about different layers of earth and how different boundaries can cause natural disasters. 
    2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
     The most challenging part was to memorize all the vocabulary words and the definition.
    3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

     I learned to manage my time and working independently. 
     4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
     I think I would like to have more time to do the project, because we had internship at the same time so most of the work we had to finish it from home, since the materials were in class. 
     5. What would you change about this project?
     I would like to improve, the presentation of the project and make it more interesting with adding more details. 

Friday, March 1, 2013



Write down three kinds of plate boundary and how its moves:




What happen when two continents moves apart?


How do the earthquakes forms?


What is Subduction Zone?


In which plate boundary does the volcanic arc happen?


What is trench? Where does it form?


Plate Tectonics: Rings of Fire - Pre-Lab Handout

Plate Tectonics Pre-Lab: Rings of Fire

Problem/ Question: Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur on earth?


What are some things that could affects where earthquakes and volcanoes occur?

Label the seven (7) continents on the world Map.
Draw and label the compass rose on a corner on the world map paper.
Draw and label the equator in green color (0o Latitude).
Draw and label the meridian in orange color (0o Longitude).

***Do Your Map

Conclusion: Answer the following questions in form of a paragraph
·        Was your hypothesis correct?
·        What did you learned?
·        Where does the name “Rings of Fire” came from?


Density of Continental & Oceanic Crust Pre-Lab Handout

Density of Continental & Oceanic Crust Pre-Lab
Define the following words:

Lithosphere: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-_______________________________________________________

Density: -­___________________________________________________________

Questions: -

What kind of rock is continental crust made of? (Use the ERST map) ___________
What kind of rock is oceanic crust made of? (Use the ERST map) ­­­­­­______________
Granite: - ­_________________________Basalt: - __________________________
Hint: Granite has LARGE crystals and Basalt has small crystals.

Hypothesis: -

Record the Data by finding the volume with triple beam balance

                                                Density = mass/ grams

Mass (grams)
Volume (cm3)
Density (g/cm3)


Which crust had large density continental or oceanic? __________________________

Was your hypothesis supported or rejected? What did you learn? What would you do different I you would have to do this experiment again?

Convection Currents Pre-lab

Convection Currents Pre-Lab

Write convection current in your OWN words.

HYPOTHESIS: (I think…... because.........)
What do you think will happen when you put 2 drops of food coloring in the tub?


View form the TOP
View from the BOTTOM
View from the SIDE

Write the summary of the experiment

1.     What does HOT water represents? What does it do with the food coloring?
2.     What does COLD water represents? What does it do with the food coloring?

CONCLUSION:- Describe was your hypothesis was supported or not? What did you learn? What will you do differently if you would have to do this experiment again?